Program Time (Year)
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Internships Status
.Graduate Degree
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About Programme
Department of Physics Engineering
Hacettepe University Faculty of Engineering - Department of Physics Engineering, started its educational activities in 1968-1969 academic year with the establishment of our university. Initially, it conducted both the Master of Science in Physics and the Master of Science in Physics Engineering programs. In 1982, the Physics Undergraduate Program was closed, and the name of the Department was identified with the program name and named “Physics Engineering Department”. The department has been the closest follower of technological and scientific developments since its establishment. At every stage, it has played a pioneering role in bringing scientific and technological innovations to our country. In this framework, with its ever-improving laboratories, our department which plays an active role in new research fields and produces knowledge, has also played a pioneering role in transferring its experiences to its undergraduate and graduate students.The department conducts undergraduate level Physics Engineering education under Faculty of Engineering, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. level Physics Engineering programs under Institute of Science.The undergraduate program of our Department was accredited by MÜDEK in 2015. In the undergraduate program, besides theoretical courses, with laboratory courses, basic engineering courses and elective courses, care is taken to create the most suitable environment for the training of qualified, leading and innovative engineers required by our country’s technology and industry. Our students are provided with a better start to their business life with the experience they have gained in projects carried out within the scope of “Designing in Engineering Physics” and “Graduation Project” courses they have taken in the last semester.In the Department of Physics Engineering, with the seminars given by the specialists in the scope of certain courses, it is aimed to gain knowledge about information on the effects of engineering applications on health, environment and safety in universal and social dimensions, also to gain awareness about occupational and ethical responsibility consciousness, and legal consequences of engineering solutions.
Admission Requirements
In order to enroll to the program, students are required to take university entrance exam following the high school education and obtain adequate score from the MF-4 section of the YGS-LYS central exam administered by T.C. OSYM. In addition, students are admitted through a series of horizontal and vertical transfers determined by the department board of directors within the framework of the relevant laws and regulations. Candidates who want to transfer horizontally or vertically can follow the announcements of Hacettepe University Registrar's Office at
Graduation Requirements
Criteria given in "Qualification requirements and regulations" and 30th article of H.U.Regulation on Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examinations are valid.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates are commonly employed in large scale private and state foundations utilizing advanced technologies. Amongst them are Aselsan, Havelsan, Roketsan, DSİ, Tubitak, TAEK, MTA, TSE, Turkish Military Forces, and hospitals.In addition to these, graduates are hired by small and medium scale private companies involved in energy, health, electronics and computer technologies.
Assessment and Grading
The measurement and evaluation methods applied for each course are defined in the Course Instruction Plan prepared by the relevant lecturer / s and included in the information package. Regarding exams and course grades, the relevant articles of Hacettepe University Associate Degree, Undergraduate Education and Examination regulations are applied.